Research and Development of a spiroid winglet for the EDA40 aircraft

The primary focus of this project is to reinvent the idea of a Spiroid winglet. To achieve this, we analysed the wings of bearded vultures with the help of a birds-of-prey rescue centre. Collaborating with bird experts allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the science behind the long evolution of birds. We successfully recreated and further developed the aerodynamic properties of bearded vultures in a series of models. This led to a new winglet design that significantly reduces induced drag and increases the lift-to-drag ratio. Our latest Spiroid model was adapted for short-distance and training aircraft, specifically the eDA40. Compared to the original eDA40 winglet, our latest Spiroid winglet could significantly cut carbon dioxide emissions each year.
Luca Brandstätter
Luca Brandstätter
Age: 19
Bernhard Gupper
Bernhard Gupper
Age: 19
Daniel Hutterer
Daniel Hutterer
Age: 19