
Each Contestant received a certificate of participation awarded during the contest or at the awards ceremony.

One of the EUCYS 2024 winners

Among the winners | Photo by EUCYS 2024

The Core Prizes are the main prizes awarded at the Contest. These are cash prizes. In the case of a team winning such a prize, the amount is shared equally between the members of the team.

There are three categories of Core Prizes:

  • Four first Prizes worth € 7.000 each;
  • Four second Prizes worth € 5.000 each;
  • Four third Prizes worth € 3.500 each.

There are two Honorary Prizes associated with the first prize.

The Special Donated Prizes are offered to contestants who, according to the EUCYS Jury, would benefit from the specific experience that these prizes offer. They are mostly study visits to leading scientific organisations.

  • Bulgarian National Seminar on Coding Theory, the “Prof. Stefan Dodunekov” Prize: a prize is offered for a team to attend and benefit from this seminar.
  • International Swiss Talent Forum: One student will be invited to attend ISTF with their individual projects.
  • Expo-Sciences Luxembourg: Two students are invited to attend Expo-Sciences Luxembourg with their individual projects.
  • EuChemS: The European Chemical Society is pleased to offer a prize of €1,000 to the best Chemistry project
  • World EXPO Prize to Osaka: Two projects will be invited to attend the EU Pavillion at World EXPO Osaka in July 2025

The Special Donated Prizes of EIROforum are offered to contestants who, according to the EUCYS Jury, would benefit from the specific expe- rience that these prizes offer. They consist of (up to) one-week visits to renowned scientific organisations, where the prize-winners would have unique opportunities to get acquainted with world-class facilities, experi- ments and cutting-edge instrumentation:

EIROforum members each kindly award individual prizes as follows:

  • European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) – offers a project prize (for up to 3 people) of a week’s visit to its Geneva site;
  • EUROfusion – offers one project a one-week stay (for up to 3 people) at a EUROfusion member research facility;
  • The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) – offers a project prize (for up to 3 people) of a week’s placement at its premises in Heidelberg;
  • The European Space Agency (ESA) – offers a single prize winner the opportunity to spend a week at ESA’s main technical centre, ESTEC, in The Netherlands;
  • European Southern Observatory (ESO) – offers a project prize (for up to 3 people) of a visit of up to one week to the ESO headquarters in Germany ;
  • European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) – operator of the world’s most powerful synchrotron radiation source, offers up to 2 people (3 if the ESRF prize is combined with that of the ILL) of a win- ning project a one-week visit to its site in Grenoble;
  • The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) – operator of the world’s most in- tense neutron source, offers up to 2 people (3 if the ESRF prize is combined with that of the ILL) of a winning project a one-week visit to its site in Grenoble;
  • European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbH (European XFEL) – offers one winner a one-week placement at its site in Schenefeld (Hamburg metropole).
  • International Swiss Talent Forum: One student will be invited to attend ISTF with their individual project.
  • Expo-Sciences Luxembourg: One project, up to three students, plus an adult in charge, will be invited to attend Expo-sciences Luxembourg with their individual projects.
  • Participation in the Silesian Science Festival – an award in the form of participation (as a participant or as an exhibitor – your choice) in the upcoming edition of the Silesian Science Festival for up to three projects. The event will mark the culmination of a full year of celebrations to award Katowice the title of European City of Science 2024.
  • Study visit for one project at one of the Transform4Europe alliance universities. The award includes transportation, accommodation and a special study visit program.

Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar (SIYSS)

The Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar (SIYSS) is an annual weeklong event for international young scientists, arranged in connec- tion with the Nobel festivities, by the SIYSS Committee of the Swedish Federation of Young Scientists in collaboration with the Nobel Foundation.

SIYSS participants

During the SIYSS 2023 | Photo by SIYSS, press material

The history of SIYSS dates back to 1976 when the first seminar was organised by the Swedish Federation of Young Scientists together with the Nobel Foundation, with inspiration from the Society for Science & the Public in the USA. Turning into a great success, the SIYSS pro- gramme has continued to combine Swedish science with the Nobel Prize Awarding Ceremonies and an intense social programme.

The programme aims to promote international understanding and friendship, bringing together young people with similar interests from all over the world. The participants are selected in different ways; some are winners of national science fairs, others represent organisations for young scientists or are selected based on merit at their home universities. Whatever their background, they all have two things in common: a great interest in natural sciences and a curiosity for other cultures and people.

The programme of the week comprises scientific activities and lectures as well as unique occasions to meet the Nobel Laureates. Furthermore, the students are introduced to Swedish science and research, as well as Swedish culture and customs. However, the main event of the week is a big seminar where the participants present their research to each other and to Swedish students.

The week culminates with the Nobel festivities where the SIYSS par- ticipants attend both the Nobel Reception at Nordiska Museet and the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony at the Stockholm Concert Hall, followed by the Nobel Banquet at the Stockholm City Hall, as well as the Nobel Night Cap, the final festivity after the banquet.

With its connection to Nobel Prizes, SIYSS is widely considered to be the most prestigious youth science event in the world. Former participants often share that the programme has inspired them to continue doing re- search and that the week in Stockholm was a truly unique experience.

Up to two contestants can participate at SIYSS. It should be noted that SIYSS do not accept Social Science projects.

For further information, please contact: The SIYSS Organizing Committee Förbundet Unga Forskare Lilla Frescativägen 4C S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden Tel: +46 (0) 700 176 309 Email:


London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF)

Up to two contestants receive an all-expenses paid trip to London to attend the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF). The prize covers the travel costs from the country of origin, accommodation, meals, registration and participation in a full programme of activities.

LIYSF brings together 300 science students from around 60 countries worldwide. The programme includes visits to industrial sites and world- class research laboratories and facilities, lectures, demonstrations and seminars from leading scientists highlighting the links between individ- ual fields of study, and introduces all participants to the latest thinking across a broad range of science. Participants are able to interact with the eminent speakers, debate cur- rent issues and explore ways in which their chosen subject relates to oth- er studies and has an impact on the world at large. Each year’s LIYSF becomes a multicultural community, and, with its busy social activities programme, provides a unique opportunity to meet and develop friendships and contacts across the world. The participants at- tending LIYSF are usually aged between 17 and 21 years.

For further information, please contact: London International Youth Science Forum, Royal Parade Mews, Chislehurst, Kent, BR7 6TN, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0)20 8295 8395. Fax: +44 (0)20 8295 8650. Email: Web: Conference Director: Richard Myhill


8th edition of the Silesian Science Festival KATOWICE

The 8th edition of the Silesian Science Festival will be held from 7 to 9 December 2024 in the International Congress Centre in Katowice. The event will culminate the entire year of celebrations of awarding the title of European City of Science 2024 to Katowice.

ŚFN KATOWICE 2023 participants
During ŚFN KATOWICE 2023 | Photo by Szymon Nawrat

The Silesian Science Festival is a cyclical event popularising science, organised in Katowice since 2016. Its goal is to actively engage people of all ages in acquiring knowledge. The festival programme consists of hundreds of various activities popularising science and art, such as lectures, workshops, exhibition stands, exhibitions, concerts, meetings with special guests and more. The festival space has been divided into six zones dedicated to natural sciences, technology, humanities and social sciences, exact sciences, medicine and health as well as arts and special zones.

The event organisers are: University of Silesia in Katowice (leader and initiator), City of Katowice (host city of the event), Metropolis GZM, Marshall Office of the Silesian Voivodeship (co-hosts), University of Economics in Katowice, Silesian University of Technology, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa, Częstochowa University of Technology, Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice.