
We know the winners! The European Union’s top prizes for young scientists were announced at the Silesian Museum in Katowice

The WInners

During the EUCYS 2024 | Photo by EUCYS 2024

First prize winners

EUCYS 2024 First prize winners | Photo by EUCYS 2024

Second prize winners

EUCYS 2024 Second prize winners | Photo by EUCYS 2024

Third prize winners

EUCYS 2024 Third prize winners | Photo by EUCYS 2024


EUCYS 2024 Winners

The European Union's top prizes for young scientists have been announced at the Silesian Museum in Katowice. The awards ceremony crowned the best after the five-day competition that attracted 143 promising young scientists aged 14-20 from 37 EU and non-EU countries.

EUCYS 2024 First prize winners | Photo by EUCYS 2024

The current edition is the second organized by Poland since its first edition in 2014. The students presented 93 different projects before an international jury of 21 highly qualified scientists and world-renowned engineers in their chosen fields, chaired by Prof. Milan Macek.  The winning projects received cash prizes totaling 62,000 euros, including four first prizes of 7,000 euros, four second prizes of 5,000 euros, four third prizes of 3,500 euros and prestigious scholarships and visits to EIROforum, CERN, ESA, etc.

All participants had previously won first prizes in national science competitions in their respective countries. The projects covered a broad spectrum of scientific fields, including biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environmental protection, mathematics, medicine, physics and social sciences.

EUCYS aims to promote young European students’ careers in Research & Innovation by giving them the opportunity to compete and exchange with their peers at EU and international level and be guided by some of the most prominent scientists in Europe.

One of EUCYS’ main goals is also to foster the participation of young women scientists in Research & Innovation, as they are still underrepresented in STEM. This year, 63 of the 143 participants are young women.