ANOMaLY: A Real-Time Globalized System for Effective Regional Mitigation of Agricultural Nitrous Oxide Emissions

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is one of the largest contributors to the greenhouse effect and is the largest contributor to ozone depletion in the 21st century. Over 70% of anthropogenic N2O is emitted directly from agriculture and soil management, and previous studies have observed that these emissions spike in localized spatiotemporal events. The system developed in this project identifies these events in real-time across the globe, allowing for fast and effective mitigation measures to be put in place to quickly reduce total emissions. A novel dataset of soil ammonium and nitrate from 1200+ soil samples was built and integrated with a new model architecture for making biochemical predictions. The final model explains up to 80% of the variance in daily fluxes.
Nikhil Vemuri
Nikhil Vemuri
Age: 16