Impact of the ability to block the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases with newly designed Fab domains of anti-Baff, anti-April antibodies

In the era of increasingly accurate bioinformatics simulation tools that enable computer-aided drug design, it is becoming easier to develop entirely new molecules for untreatable or difficult-to-treat diseases using novel and bold ideas for designing therapeutics. In my work, I have taken on the challenge of constructing sets of molecules that block the Baff and April pathway with high therapeutic potential in autoimmune diseases and cancers linked to the Baff/April pathway. The project is constantly evolving with the growth of my personal requirements, so in my study, I presented a variety of approaches to solving the research problem to be able to compose a therapy as close as possible to the needs of future patients.
Aleksander Zieliński
Aleksander Zieliński
Age: 16